Item Coversheet

July  27, 2018

Board Item - C.-1.

Resolution No. 4567.

Superintendent's Recommendation:

* Adopt Resolution No. 4567, Ordering a School Bond Election on November 6, 2018, and Authorizing Necessary Actions in Connection Therewith.


On July 9, 2018, the board conducted a first reading of the contents and process of the proposed bond measure.  It included Resolution No. 4567, and a draft of specific bond measure language required by the County Office of Education and the County Registrar of Voters. 


This is the second reading for the final adoption of the resolution. Between the first and second reading, the following modifications were made:


1.    Modification to Exhibit A (the Ballot Label), to include a ballot title, reorder certain bond needs and state bond proceeds will not be used for administrator salaries.

2.    Change in dates from July 23, 2018, to July 27, 2018, to reflect the change in board dates.

3.    Add projects to the Bond Project List for the following schools: Eastlake High, EastLake Middle, Montgomery Middle, National City Middle, Adult Schools and Alternative Education school sites.


For questions regarding this board item, please contact Moisés Aguirre at 619-585-6060 or

Fiscal Impact:

Cost of the Bond Election will be determined by the Registrar of Voters.

Revised Reso 4567 - Ordering Bond ElectionBackup Material
Reso No 4567 - Ordering Bond ElectionBackup Material
5. Item C-1 - AUDIO CLIP - 07 27 18Cover Memo
6. Item C-1 - AUDIO CLIP - 07 27 18Cover Memo
7. Item C-1 - AUDIO CLIP - 07 27 18Cover Memo